Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Beacon Spoon


At a recent local history exhibition someone who used to live in the village brought along a spoon that his father had found in the beck as a lad, in 1930. It was interesting because it was decorated with an engraving of a beacon. He let me take a photo of it and you can see it here.

It is tempting to see it as a souvenir from when Wilton Beacon was erected in the early 1800s. Although this is possible, the actual engraving does not seem to depict the correct form of our beacon which is described as having one upright post with pegs projecting from it which served as steps. The engraving seems to have an upright post with a separate ladder arrangement. Nevertheless, it is an interesting find. We continue to be amazed by what is found in the beck, usually by children these days.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Online Publications

We are pleased to say that we have published two local history documents for on-line viewing on a website called Issu. You will find them by going to the Local History Group page of the website.
They are displayed using Adobe Flash so this might cause difficulties if you are using Apple hardware. Sorry!
One of them, Bishop Wilton in the 1940s, is only available in this format so it can be downloaded and printed. The other, about St Edith’s Church, is available in printed format at the Church in the village.